New Study Supports Cannabis as Non-Addictive Pain Reliever

-Cannabis For Pain Relief

cannabis for pain relief
Cannabis For Pain Relief

Science Daily recently reported on a new study looking at cannabis for pain relief. The study was done by Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU).

The study shows that cannabis may be helpful for chronic pain. And with fewer side effects and a lower risk of addiction than with opiates. Susan Ingram, PhD., an associate professor at OHSU’s School of Medicine, said, “[cannabis] may be an avenue where we can get better pain medicines that are not addictive.” A reason for this is that our bodies use their own endocannabinoid system. In or in other words our bodies come with a built-in cannabis system.

In states with legal cannabis opiate addiction rates have dropped. Data suggests in some cases by as much as 35-55%. For years doctors have pushed opiates from drug companies on patients.  Now our nation is seeing record overdoses from opiates.

Additionally, those using cannabis for pain relief vs opiates generally have a better quality of life. With many users reporting feeling more in touch with their surroundings. Opiates generally leave users in a disconnected stupor.

Read the full article here
Access the original study here

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