Election Day and the Future of Legal Pot

The Race to Legalize Marijuana

Election day is just around the corner. While November 8th will no doubt be a momentous occasion regardless of who wins the presidential race. Voter will decide another race on election day: The race to legalize marijuana. There won’t be a vote to federally legalize cannabis on election day. However, nearly 20% of states will have drug policy measures on the ballot.  Plus there are a number of bills pending in congress that could deschedule or reschedule cannabis altogether.

Election Day a Tipping Point?

We’ve previously reported on how this election could mark the tipping point in legalization efforts.  Now Paul Armentano, deputy director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Law (NORML), has outlined exactly how this could play out.  In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Mr. Armentano said: “If an overwhelming number of states that have marijuana-specific initiatives on the ballot pass those measures, that could be interpreted by federal lawmakers as a mandate.” On election day Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada are voting on recreational adult-use. California is the one to keep the closest eye on because of its likelihood of passing and the state’s huge population. Arkansas, Florida, Montana, and North Dakota are voting on medical marijuana. Florida is the one to keep an eye on because of the state’s large population and its status as a swing state.

Read the full story in Rolling Stone to learn more about the initiatives in each state.

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