Is Cannabis an Aphrodisiac?

Recent Study Suggests Cannabis An Aphrodisiac

As reported in Civilized, a new study in the Pharmacological Research journal suggests that cannabis may be a good aphrodisiac. The study looked at research done in the 1970s and 1980s on cannabis’ effect on sexual desire and satisfaction.  The study found that there may be a link.

About half of the people in the study that used cannabis prior to sexual activity reported aphrodisiac effects.  In addition, about 70% of people said they had more pleasure and satisfaction.  However, people using too much or too little cannabis reported either little or negative effects. The study found that using too much cannabis could make sex more “challenging.” The study found that cannabis is a “potential therapeutic target for sexual dysfunctions,” meaning that cannabis may provide some help for those dealing with sexual problems, making it a subject for future studies.

Read the full article in Civilized.

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